Please note: Information on all events can be obtained by emailing Ted at: or by telephone at: 1-888-879-8339 or (509) 750-9793 (U.S. cell number). Events listed are subject to change.
- Galactic Wisdom Conference 2021: Every year during the second weekend in March, I have my Galactic Wisdom Conference in Olympia, Washington south of Seattle in the USA. Speakers have included Simon Parkes (famous ET contactee from England), Michiko Hayashi (Emoto Peace Project, Tokyo Japan), Alex Collier (Andromedia contactee), James Redfield (author, Celestine Prophecy), Tom Paladino (Scalar Energy, Billie Woodard and Zorra from the Hollow Earth, Professor Gerald Pollack (famous University of Washington water professor), and many others. I hope you can come to my conference in March 2021! The conference will also be available online for those who can’t come in person.
- Food and Clean Water for the Hopi Indians: I have been collecting money to buy food and supplies for the Hopi Indians in Arizona. For decades, the Hopi (and Navajo) have been drinking arsenic and radiation contaminated water causing a high rate of cancer and other illnesses. For only $125 each, we have been purchasing clean water filters providing clean water for a family for many years. Because food supplies have been restricted due to the virus, many Hopi are without an adequate food supply. If you would like to donate either clean water and/or food, please email me at: or phone 509 750 9793 or 1 888 879 8339 (toll free).
Out of this World Television is broadcasting three times a week on Comcast Channel 22 in the Puget Sound area. I have taped episodes with some really incredible people, including Michiko Hayashi, Scott Lemriel, Billie Faye Woodard and Zorra of the Hollow Earth, and many others.
You may watch Out of this World Television on You Tube under Ted Mahr or Out of this World Television.