Saturday, June 11

For more information and/or to register, please visit the Galactic Wisdom Conference website at:

8:00 am to 8:30: Complimentary coffee, tea and muffins

8:45 am to 10:15 am: Keynote speech by Professor Gerald Pollack on the Fourth Phase of Water. Professor Pollack is one of the world’s most famous water scientists and has recently released his ground-breaking book, The Fourth Phase of Water. He is the only scientist in the world who has found water has memory and other mystical and fascinating qualities. Link:

10:30 am to 12 noon: Michiko Hayashi will present ground-breaking and profound information on the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto and the Emoto Peace Project, and how our thoughts can create a beautiful, peaceful world through love and gratitude. Michiko was Dr. Emoto’s assistant for 10 years, before he passed away in 2014. Dr. Emoto was the New York Time’s best selling author of The Messages from Water, which proved that positive thoughts of love and gratitude can create a beautiful world. Link:

12 noon to 1 pm: Lunch at your choosing. Lunch will also be provided on site for a reasonable fee.

1 pm to 2:30 pm: Seichro Yoshinouchi (aka “Yoshi”) and Hado Machines, with English translation provided by Michiko. Yoshi was Dr. Masaru Emoto’s top therapist, and is now the world’s most famous and best Hado therapist. According to Dr. Emoto, we are all vibration or “Hado” in Japanese, and when you have a spiritual or physical problem, that the best way to remedy the situation is to correct your Hado or vibration. Before Dr. Emoto passed away in 2014, he successfully treated 10,000 with his Hado machines. Yoshi has perfected the machines, and he will explain how they work and how they go into other dimensions to help heal almost any physical or spiritual condition. He will be giving Hado or vibrational treatments to up to 10 people on Sunday – for more information, please visit the Galactic Wisdom Conference website:

2:45 pm to 4 pm: Scott Lemriel will disclose who and what is the Galactic Alliance, and humanity’s bright beautiful future. He will detail how they are helping us behind the scenes. Scott is the author of The Seres Agenda and the Emerald Doorway. He has been in both telepathic and physical contact with the Galactic Alliance for the past 55 years. The Galactic Alliance is a group of 435 million planets in this part of the Milky Way Galaxy; they number approximately 7 trillion entities. They are mostly (but not all) human, and we are descended from them. Scott’s website:

4:15 pm to 5:15 pm: Alfred Lambremont Webre will discuss UFOs and disclosure efforts in the United States, Canada, and worldwide. He was President Jimmy Carter’s UFO disclosure chief, until George Bush Sr. and Donald Rumsfeld tried to assassinate him, which forced him to flee to Mexico and then Canada. He will be appearing by Skype from Vancouver, Canada where he lives now. He does not generally come to the United States, because of the previous threats on his life.

5:15 pm to 6:30 pm: Dinner

6:30 pm to 7:30 pm: Carolyn White is an incredible psychic and medium who can read auras and transmit messages from the spirit world to help people with almost any situation. Carolyn has been in the metaphysical field for the last 40 years, and for the past 10 years, she has been using special photography to film auras and chakras. She is an amazing lady, who has a tremendous amount of Galactic Wisdom. She will talk about the human energy system, and information about auras, chakras, and spirits, which can help heal people and restore happiness and well being.

7:45 pm to 8:45 pm: Teresa Carol is a well known psychic and medium who helps people understand their past lives, and has the reputation of a ghost buster in the Seattle – Tacoma – Puget Sound, Washington area. She has been a psychic and medium for over 30 years, and is a wonderful lady. She brings guidance and understanding, which helps heal spiritual, emotional, and physical wounds.