January, 2015

Galactic Wisdom Conference

Psychic Readings

Contact Info


January 30, 2015

Hello Friends!!

I want to thank you everyone so much for supporting “Out of this World” Radio! Our program focuses on out-of-this-world information, including psychic phenomena, UFOs, metaphysics, and predictions for the coming years in Seattle, the United States, and beyond. The purpose of my radio program is also to raise human consciousness to make this world a better place to live, and with everyone’s help, I know we can make this planet a better place! 😉

We are supported entirely by donations, and for those who would like to donate, please go to the “Donate” button at the top upper right hand corner of this webpage. Even $1 will really help!! For those who donate $10 or more, they will receive a powerful spiritual prayer guaranteed to provide protection to them, and for $25 or more, they will get a free psychic reading. My telephone for readings is (509) 750-9793 or 1-888-879-8339 (toll free, within North America); my email is: outofthisworld1150@gmail.com Thanks to everyone for their donations and support!!

I also have a new column on my webpage called “Ask Ted”. On a weekly basis, I will write a column on UFOs, metaphysics, and spiritual matters, and people are also welcome to submit any question concerning their soul purpose, a spiritual issue, or a particular problem. I am very happy to give free psychic advice to anyone who needs it! Recently, I gave 10 readings at the Meeker Mansion in Puyallup, Washington and my accuracy rate was between 90 and 100 percent! I am also in contact with the Galactic Alliance, so if anyone has any questions to ask our benevolent ET friends, please send them to me, and I will forward them on for a response.

We are also looking for sponsors and advertisers for the show. Any advertising on this program will have a worldwide audience for your goods and services.

In the coming weeks, we will be having Laura Hirst who has written some amazing books on the causes and cures for autism, provided by channeled information from some famous spirits including Albert Einstein, Robert F. Kennedy, and President John F. Kennedy! Her interview will be one show that you will definitely not want to miss!! Albert Einstein recently appeared twice in spirit form on my program on the interviews with University of Washington Professor Jerry Pollack and famous London Professor Rupert Sheldrake. (To listen to their podcasts, please go to our “Guests” page and select their name.) We will also be having one of the world’s most famous spiritualists, Dr. Deepak Chopra on the show soon, along with Princess Martha Louise of the Norwegian Royal Family, who will be appearing on the program live by telephone from Olso, Norway to talk about angels and other wonderful things!!

January 16, 2015

Hello Friends!

This Friday we will have some amazing guests! For the first hour (2 pm to 3 pm), we will have Celeste Yacoboni (websites: www.HowDoYouPray.com and www.CelestialBodyandSoul.com). During the second hour (3 pm to 4 pm), we will have two amazing and famous guests: (a) Professor Rupert Sheldrake from London, England, and (b) Terje Wulfsberg.

Celeste Yacoboni is passionate about helping people discover a deeper experience of the sacred in their daily lives. Celeste is a Minister of Walking Prayer, ordained by the Center for Sacred Studies in Sonora, California. Her work focuses on guiding and supporting people through transitions by creating a space of awareness, presence and inspiration, which integrates body, mind, spirit and emotions.

She maintains a thriving private practice in Santa Fe, NM in which she facilitates healing and wholeness through Massage Therapy, Chi Nei Tsang, Qigong, Women’s Breast Health, Plant Essences, the Hawaiian practice of Ho’oponopono, Spiritual Direction and the inquiry “How Do You Pray?”

Celeste leads “How Do You Pray?” workshops in which people share and experience different ways of prayer and connecting to Source. On her Ho’oponopono CD, Celeste sings a Hawaiian healing practice, which creates a space of love, compassion, forgiveness and gratitude.

During the second hour (3 pm to 4 pm), we will have two famous guests: (a) Rupert Sheldrake, and (b) Suzanne Ward.

Rupert Sheldrake is a biologist and author of more than 80 scientific papers and ten books. He was among the top 100 Global Thought Leaders for 2013, as ranked by the Duttweiler Institute, Zurich, Switzerland’s leading think tank. He studied natural sciences at Cambridge University, where he was a Scholar of Clare College, took a double first class honours degree and was awarded the University Botany Prize (1963). He then studied philosophy and history of science at Harvard University, where he was a Frank Knox Fellow (1963-64), before returning to Cambridge, where he took a Ph.D. in biochemistry (1967). He was a Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge (1967-73), where he was Director of Studies in biochemistry and cell biology. As the Rosenheim Research Fellow of the Royal Society (1970-73), he carried out research on the development of plants and the ageing of cells in the Department of Biochemistry at Cambridge University. While at Cambridge, together with Philip Rubery, he discovered the mechanism of polar auxin transport, the process by which the plant hormone auxin is carried from the shoots towards the roots.

From 1968 to 1969, as a Royal Society Leverhulme Scholar, based in the Botany Department of the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, he studied rain forest plants. From 1974 to 1985 he was Principal Plant Physiologist and Consultant Physiologist at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) in Hyderabad, India, where he helped develop new cropping systems now widely used by farmers. While in India, he also lived for a year and a half at the ashram of Fr Bede Griffiths in Tamil Nadu, where he wrote his first book, A New Science of Life, published in 1981 (new edition 2009).

Since 1981, he has continued research on developmental and cell biology. He has also investigated unexplained aspects of animal behaviour, including how pigeons find their way home, the telepathic abilities of dogs, cats and other animals, and the apparent abilities of animals to anticipate earthquakes and tsunamis. He subsequently studied similar phenomena in people, including the sense of being stared at, telepathy between mothers and babies, telepathy in connection with telephone calls, and premonitions. Although some of these areas overlap the field of parapsychology, he approaches them as a biologist, and bases his research on natural history and experiments under natural conditions, as opposed to laboratory studies. His research on these subjects is summarized in his books Seven Experiments That Could Change the World (1994, second edition 2002), Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home (1999, new edition 2011) and The Sense of Being Stared At (2003, new edition 2012).

In his most recent book (2012), called The Science Delusion in the UK and Science Set Free in the US, he examines the ten dogmas of modern science, and shows how they can be turned into questions that open up new vistas of scientific possibility. This book received the Book of the Year Award from the British Scientific and Medical Network.

In 2000, he was the Steinbach Scholar in Residence at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. From 2005-2010 he was the Director of the Perrott-Warrick Project, funded from Trinity College, Cambridge University. He is also a Fellow of the Institute of Noetic Sciences in California, a Visiting Professor at the Graduate Institute in Connecticut, and a Fellow of Schumacher College in Devon, England.

He lives in London with his wife Jill Purce. They have two sons, Merlin, a graduate student in Plant Sciences at Cambridge University and a research fellow at The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, and Cosmo, a musician.

For more information on Professor Sheldrake including a complete list of his books, please visit: www.sheldrake.org/about-rupert-sheldrake

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Terje Wulfsbergfrom Bergen, Norway, is the host of the International UFO Conference in Bergen, which Ted was fortunate to be a participant in October, 2014. No doubt Terje will be talking about the agenda for this year’s conference.

(For more info, please see: http://ufo-konferanse.com/english/english.htm)

Terje’s interest in UFOs and extraterrestrials began when he was 17 years old. He is also a practitioner of alternative medicine and has worked as a homeopath for 35 years. For many years he was also a co-worker in Share International spreading information about the Masters of Wisdom and their emergence together with their leader Maitreya. In recent years the information he has been disseminating is about those highly evolved individuals who come from other worlds. These individuals supervise and try to help us, namely our Space Brothers, our extraterrestrial friends.

Last weekend, I was at the Meeker Mansion in Puyallup, Washington (next to Tacoma, Washington, USA), and my accuracy rate for psychic readings was between 90 and 100 percent for the 10 readings I did. So if anyone is interested in having a reading, please email me at outofthisworld1150@gmail.com or call me at (509) 750-9793 in the United States. I guarantee 90 percent or better accuracy, or the reading is free!!

We are very excited about hosting the Galactic Wisdom Conference at the Inn at Gig Harbor from March 6th to 8th, 2015 (see: www.galacticwisdomconference.com). Located only 10 minutes from Tacoma, or 40 minutes from Seattle, the Inn at Gig Harbor has a wonderful modern and clean ballroom, with an excellent restaurant, and even a hot tub!! There’s also a whiskey distillery next door, for those who get thirsty! For those flying into Seattle for the conference, there is also a shuttle service 21 times a day that goes directly from the Seattle airport to the conference site at the Inn at Gig Harbor in Gig Harbor, Washington. For more information, please see www.galacticwisdomconference.com.

Your admission includes entry to all workshops and free psychic readings with some of the world’s best psychics, and spiritual healers, such as Jerry Wills who can remove alien implants. Jerry will be having a special free three-hour healing workshop Saturday evening, March 7th, from 7 pm to 10 pm, which is all included in the conference. For those who have been abducted by the Reptilians and/or the Grey aliens, this is a golden opportunity to get rid of any implants!!! When I was in Norway last October at a UFO conference there, I saw first hand how Jerry Wills removed alien implants in front of my own eyes, so I know he can do it!!!

In addition, Dr. Susan Shumsky will be flying in from New York City, and she is considered the world authority’s on healing auras and chakras. For those who have experienced problems in their love lives due to a damaged or hurt heart chakra, Dr. Shumsky provides wonderful healing advice that only a world expert can provide!

For those interested in the scientific and spiritual work of the late Dr. Masuro Emoto, Michiko Hayashi and Dr. Yasu Nemoto of the Emoto Peace Project will be flying in from Tokyo, Japan to give a special workshop on the late Dr. Emoto’s famous work on love and gratitude. I am now doing a fundraiser for the printing and distribution of the Emoto Peace Project, and the goal of this work is to teach children between the ages of 3 and 12 to teach them the value of living in harmony with each other, so that when they are adults, they will be far more interested in creating a happier planet, instead of one engaged in endless middle eastern wars which last for decades!!

In addition, at the conference we will be having Lois Berman, a famous Boston psychic who has her own psychic radio and television programs, who will be giving a workshop and providing free psychic readings. In my opinion, Lois is one of THE best psychics in North America! She is simply AMAZING, and I know people will really enjoy hearing her, and receiving readings from her.

Phoenix Redhawk (a well known spiritual healer from Long Island) is flying in from New York to give a special workshop on spiritual healing…. She will also be available for free readings, and she is one of the best on the East Coast! She is a wonderful lady, who I know all of you will enjoy meeting!!!

We will also have awesome Seattle psychics Teresa Carroll, Darcy Adams, and Don McFarland at the conference who will also be giving psychic readings, as well as the amazing and wonderful Robert Zink from the Portland area who will also be doing his wonderful and amazing healing work!!! …. This is a conference that you will NOT want to miss, my friends!!!!

In addition to free psychic readings, the conference also includes free full breakfasts on Saturday and Sunday mornings. There’s a special discount on registrations from now until Valentine’s day of only $197 per person. If you can’t attend all of the three days, we also offer a special daily rate of $97 per day. Students will receive a discount off the regular rate, so please call or email me directly at 1-888-879-8339 or outofthisworld1150@gmail.com. I am intentionally keeping the fees for this conference as low as possible so that as many as possible can attend. This is because the purpose of this Conference (like my radio show) is not so much as to make money, as it is to raise consciousness and make this planet a much better and much much happier place to live!

There are many excellent psychics in the Seattle area, but for just one hour, you can pay up to $125, and in some cases, $250 for just 30 minutes!!

Furthermore, there have been many wonderful events here in the Seattle area with some very famous and wonderful people, but they sometimes charge about the same price as my conference, and at those events, you usually just to listen to one person speak in an auditorium of 800 people for a few hours. However, at my conference, you will be able to get individual readings with multiple famous psychics and UFO people, and meet them in person, plus attend all their workshops.

At my conference, the registration fee of $197 for the three days (or $97 for the one day), includes free readings from Lois Berman, Dr. Susan Shumsky, Teresa Carroll, and myself and other wonderful and awesome psychics for FREE. In addition, for those interested in contacting benevolent extra-terrestrials, Scott Lemriel will be giving a wonderful workshop and will also give one on one consultations to people interested in contacting good ETs.

So for the cost of just $97 for the day, you can have multiple free psychic readings without any time limit with some of the world’s best psychics, and learn how to contact benevolent ETs, for free!! Compare this price to the prices of psychics in the Seattle area, and you will see that this conference is a real bargain! In addition, you can attend workshops with these psychics and meet some of the most amazing and interesting UFO people in the world!!! The conference also includes a full breakfast at the Inn at Gig Harbor on both Saturday and Sunday mornings, so please come hungry and I promise your hunger for a wonderful breakfast and for spiritual advancement will be well satisfied!!!

For those who would like to stay at the Inn at Gig Harbor, their phone number is: (253) 853-1111 (check number), and they have a special discounted rate for those people staying at the Inn for the conference. But when you call, be sure to tell them that you are attending the conference so they will give you the special discounted conference room rate!! For more information, please see www.galacticwisdomconference.com.


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Finding us is easy!

    • You can also always listen to the show live from 2 pm to 4 pm (PST) at: www.1150kknw.com.
    • Listen to any of our podcasts on this website.
    • You can also follow us on twitter at: tedmahrOTWradio
    • Facebook at: Outofthisworldradio
    • For those who would like to call in to ask questions during the show, please call the KKNW direct studio line at either (425) 373-5527 or 1-888-298-5569 (toll free, within Western Washington). When calling from outside the United States, please dial “001” first before dialing (425) 373-5527. We broadcast on U.S. Pacific Standard Time (the same time as San Francisco), on Fridays from 2 pm to 4 pm (PST).

Thanks to everyone’s wonderful support, Out of this World Radio is one of the fastest growing psychic and metaphysical radio programs in the world and we now have listeners in over 60 different countries on all the world’s continents, and are among the top rated talk shows in Seattle. The purpose of my radio program is also to raise human consciousness to make this world a better place to live, and with everyone’s help, I know we can make this planet a better place!

I’d like to thank everyone who has donated to the radio program. We are supported entirely by donations. For those who would like to donate, please go to the “Donate” button on the upper right hand corner of this webpage. Even $1 will really help!! For those who donate $10 or more, they will receive a powerful spiritual prayer guaranteed to provide protection to them, and for $25 or more, they will get a free psychic reading. My telephone for readings is (509) 750-9793 or 1-888-879-8339 (toll free, within North America); my email is: outofthisworld1150@gmail.com

I would like to thank the many sponsors of this show, including my friend Carol who has been designing my web site and providing moral support, and without whose friendship and help this program would not have been possible; my friend Anne Nelson, business professor at Walla Walla College; and my dear friend Michiko Hayashi of the Emoto Peace Project in Tokyo, Japan; my angelic and Earthly family, as well as my wonderful sound engineer Eric Reider and my station manager, Eric Krema, without whose help and support this program would not be possible …

My friends, thank you so much for supporting Out of this World Radio!! I know with your help and support, we can and will make this world a much much happier and better place to live!!

With blessings, and lots of love and light to all of you,


Email: outofthisworld1150@gmail.com
Telephone: (509) 750-9793 or
1-888-879-8339 (toll free, within North America)
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