Emoto Peace Project

April 17, 2015





Emoto Peace Project

Dr. Emoto´s Peace Project was declared by Dr. Emoto when he was giving a seminar at The Spiritual Dimensions of Science and Consciousness Subcommittee at United Nation headquarter in NYC on May 25th, 2005.

Dr. Emoto’s Peace Project goal is to educate the truth of water to children. By distributing children versions of the “Messages from Water” book or similar books, children would learn that we reflect ourselves in water and our surroundings. An attitude of love and gratitude can change us and so the entire world to a sustainable and beautiful place for everybody.

The intended age is from 3 – 12 years old in the hope that within 20 years or so, they will be leading the earth in a favorable direction. As adults, we must minimize the damage done to the earth until then.

The 19th Hado Instructor School in Tokyo 2015

The Hado Instructor School is a 3 day event. upon completion of Dr. Masaru Emoto’s International Hado Instructor School, all certified Hado Instructors become a member of our Hado Instructor Organization, receive a 1 year paid Hado World Membership, a Certified Hado Instructor Certificate, Dr. Emoto’s Water Crystal Images, Lecture Material and the rights to present the information at your own lectures or workshops that are in support the Emoto Peace Project.

This effort creates a ripple effect of Love & Gratitude around the world for Peace on Earth.

This year’s Hado School was held in Tokyo from May 21st to May 24th, 2015, with some famous and incredibly interesting people, including:  Joshua Oki, Hiromasa Emoto, Yasuyuki Nemoto, Seichiro Yoshinouchi, Hans Schindler, the Reverend Sotetsu Matsumuro, Gudni Gudnason, and Michiko Hayashi.  This is a once in a lifetime chance to learn the incredibly interesting and fascinating techniques of making this planet a far better and far happier place through the work of the late Dr. Masuro Emoto!  For more information, please see the HADO School website at:  www.masuru-emoto.net/english/hado-instructor-school.html

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