(Please scroll down to listen to Ted’s interviews with Dr. Pollack)
Dr. Gerald Pollack, University of Washington professor of bioengineering, has developed a theory of water that has been called revolutionary. One well-known scientist called it “the most significant scientific discovery of this century.”
Dr. Pollack received his PhD in biomedical engineering from the University of Pennsylvania in 1968. He then joined the University of Washington faculty and is now professor of bioengineering. For years, Dr. Pollack had researched muscles and how they contract. It struck him as odd that the most common ideas about muscle contraction did not involve water, despite the fact that 99 percent of muscle’s molecules are water molecules.
In his 2001 book, “Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life,” Dr. Pollack explains how the cell functions. Research suggests that much of the cell biology may be governed by a single unifying mechanism – the phase transition. Water is absolutely central to every function of the cell – whether it’s muscle contraction, cells dividing, or nerves conducting, etc. The underlying premise of this book is that a cell’s cytoplasm is gel-like rather than an ordinary aqueous solution.
The key to Dr. Pollack’s entire hypothesis lies in the properties of water. The water molecules become structured in arrays or strata when they interact with charged surfaces such as those presented by proteins. Most of the cell’s water is structured. Water stays put in the cells because it’s absorbed onto the protein surfaces. Structured water adheres to the proteins of the cells.
Structured water does not have the same properties as bulk water. Water is the carrier of the most important molecules of life, like proteins and DNA. In the book, “Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life” evidence is presented that shows water is absolutely essential to everything the cell does. The water in our cells is not like water in a glass. It’s actually ordered pretty much like a crystal. Like ice, it excludes particles and solutes as it forms. The excluded space is called an exclusion zone (EZ).
The Fourth Phase of Water / EZ Water / Structured Water
The reason this fourth phase of water is called the exclusion zone or EZ is because the first thing Dr. Pollack’s team discovered is that this water profoundly excludes things. Even small molecules are excluded from structured water. Surprisingly, structured water appears in great abundance, including inside most of your cells. Even your extracellular tissues are filled with this kind of water.
What’s the nature of this fourth phase? Why is this interesting? It applies to everything water touches! It’s in the sky and the clouds. It’s in the oceans, lakes and rivers, and it fills the inside of our body.
Dr. Pollack’s more recent book “The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor” describes the nature of structured (fourth phase) water and its many applications. That best-selling book recently won the World Summit Excellence Award from the Society for Technical Communication.
Interviews with Dr. Pollack
To listen to the show replays, please click on a link below:
(Please note: some of these shows are shared with other guests)
August 31, 2018, Hour One
August 31, 2018, HourTwo
March 17, 2017 (last 30 minutes)