Jerry Wills

Jerry WillsJerry Wills is a gifted hands on healer who at a young age discovered a talent for touching animals and people, “seeing” inside them, and healing their injuries or dis-ease. Growing up on a remote farm in Kentucky provided many years of isolation from the rest of the world. During his teen years he started to better understand how energy moves through all living things – plant, animal and human. Eventually his abilities progressed to where he was able to help himself, and others if they allowed it.

In Jerry’s words: “Whatever God might be, I know God is always present in love. As I give my love and attention, I feel God move powerfully through me. My hands become burning hot (often quite obvious to whomever I happen to touch). As I breathe, a rush of light and energy flow through me. I feel the effects from the illness of the person I’m connected to. During this time I move through several “areas” of experience with my client. Finally, I feel a cool wave move across and through me. At this point I realize I can do no more. Removing myself, I relax and wait. The experience leaves me completely filled with energy and life. It is always amazing.’

“I’m commonly asked if I become drained from the experience. Most are surprised to discover the process never causes any lasting discomfort. Most of the time I feel more alive than before I started. The only lingering aspect is something I choose to take upon myself. You see, my personal experience is to fully “realize” the condition of my client, to live within their experience for a short time. I allow this to gain a deeper understanding of their condition. Eventually this experience provides wisdom, and inward I grow spiritually. My gift to the client is their return to health. Their gift to me are experiences I would not have otherwise had an opportunity for. As I finish, I tell my client to recognize the presence we experienced together. As I take their hand, or place my hand upon their shoulder, I tell them, “God Lives Here...”. I think it’s at that time they might suddenly realize they have never faced their challenge alone, and perhaps never again feel separated from God.”

For more information:
and for video testimonials:

Ted’s interview with Jerry on February 13, 2015 (the first 10 minutes is with Deborah Stelfox)

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