Dr. Christopher Macklin is an amazing and wonderful spiritual teacher, medical intuitive, and healer! Born as a highly aware psychic child in Chester, England, Christopher Macklin was able to perceive energy fields, spirit activity and multi-dimensional phenomena from a very young age. He initially took the more traditional route through life and tried to fit in best as he could, but his career as a successful aviation industry engineer came to an abrupt end when a failed real estate venture caused a series of financial difficulties that resulted in Christopher living out of the back of his car, homeless on the streets of Manchester, England.
In a very short period of time, Christopher found the world as he knew it turned upside down. Newly divorced, his money all gone and unable to get a job, he began to understand that the Divine had other plans for him. In a pivotal moment sitting in a square in Manchester with nothing to call his own and nowhere to go, he promised himself and God that he would use his healing abilities to serve humanity and he surrendered the rest to God. Things began to dramatically shift after this and Christopher was afforded the opportunity to meditate for hours a day for four years in order to integrate his highest path and to understand the divine healing that he was being called to share with the world.
Rev. Christopher Macklin is a Melchizedek Being, and is a powerful channeling medium and healer from England who utilizes Divine Healing techniques cultivated through Divine Knowledge from God and the spirit world to help people recover from all types of illness. Christopher is able to heal many people simultaneously with the help of God’s Angelic Light Beings who work with Christopher to rebalance the body’s energy field by clearing chakra points and cleansing the body’s meridian field by removing blockages and negative energies. He is an Interfaith Minister with the Esoteric Church and has an PH.D. in Metaphysics and Philosophy.
His website is: www.globalenlightenmentproject