The planet is rapidly rising into the 5th Dimension and the negatives do not want us to realize that we are powerful spiritual beings meant to create a much better and happier world! One of the first places which will be ascending will be Mt. Shasta which is now in the 4th Dimension, and will shift into the 5th Dimension within the next month.
I have been broadcasting for seven years and November 2nd, 2020 will be the 7th Anniversary of my Out of this World broadcasting. The purpose of my show is to make the world a much better place, and to raise consciousness! And I want to thank everyone so much for making this world a much better and happy place!
My birthday is also on November 2nd, and I want to thank everyone so much for all their beautiful love and support!
I have also invited a beautiful lightworker who will be speaking light language from the Pleiadians, so this show should be really Out of this World!