Please join us as we pray for Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Fukushima. My guests for this show are:
- Michiko Hayashi (Emoto Peace Project, Tokyo, Japan,
- Famous author James Redfield (author of Celestine Prophecy)
- Fumi Johns (Hiroshima, Japan – May Peace Prevail on Earth International Committee, ),
- Mary Hanson (Seattle – From Hiroshima to Hope Peace Committee,http:// )
See also: President Eisenhower’s Farewell address on the dangers of the U.S. Military Industrial Complex —
We will all be calling for a nuclear free world, with peace and a bright, beautiful future for all of humanity! Please join me and my wonderful guests to create a much better and happier world!
August 9, 2019 (last 45 minutes)