Patricia Rasmussen

patrasmussenPatricia Rasmussen is a Native American elder who has unique wisdom on the ascension of the Earth and the vortexes along the U.S. West Coast, including Mt. Shasta in California and Olympia, Port Townsend and Bellingham in Washington. The ancient civilization of Lemuria was part of the land area from Mt. Shasta north to where Vancouver, Canada is located today, and this is perhaps one reason why this area is now the spiritual center of North America. There are of course other pockets of beautiful spirituality in the United States and Canada (for example, Sedona), but there is no other large area of evolving spiritual advancement as there is now from Mt. Shasta to Vancouver. Patricia will be talking about these and other topics, including the ascension of the planet, the water issues around Standing Rock in North Dakota, as well as the power of prayer.

Pat Rasmussen is also President of Earth Wisdom Foundation, and she worked five years with Bennie LeBeau, aka Blue Thunder, aka Bavado, Rainbow Thunder Heart, healing Mother Earth with the medicine wheel. Pat is the author of “What happened to the Steh-chass people?”, the story of the people who lived for thousands of years where Olympia, Washington stands today. Pat’s report discusses the genocide and removal of the natives after settlers arrived in 1845 at Tumwater Falls. She edited the book by Bennie LeBeau, “Healing Mother Earth’s Sacred Sites with the Medicine Wheel” (found on

Patricia is a big supporter of Dr. Masaru Emoto; she helped arrange his 2010 tour to the Pacific Northwest and supports the Emoto Peace Project (see:

Patricia’s website is:

November 11, 2016