Josh Hart is Director of Stop Smart Meters! He has worked in the energy industry, as a transportation planner, environmental advocate, and freelance journalist. He obtained his MSc in Transport Planning in the UK at UWE Bristol in 2008, and completed research entitled Driven to Excess, presenting the social and quality of life impacts of automobile traffic on local residents. The research was covered in over 100 international media outlets including the BBC, the Guardian, Tehran Times, and the Daily Mail.
His writing has appeared in Surveyor, Walk, and Make magazines, the Wall Street Journal and Lonely Planet’s Flightless: Incredible Journeys without Leaving the Ground. He has been interviewed on PBS Newshour and countless other TV and radio stations. He has been Director of the California based Stop Smart Meters! for more than 4 years, fighting the forced deployment of ‘smart’ meters in the US and abroad.
Ted’s interview with Joshua on 7.10.15